Saturday, August 31, 2013

Wow! I'm finally back into production after almost 4 months of reorganization of all my "stuff". Yes, I have been told that I could open a store. And yes, I probably could. But even though I now have a warehouse of sorts and a neater work area  it's not "pretty" by any means so don't start looking for it in a "Where Women Create" magazine.

The Paper Corner...yes ALL PAPER and only some of  the inventory!

Rubber Stamp Lane.  These are only wood mounted ones...the clears and unmounted are elsewhere!

Jewelry Row

Arts and Crafts, Mixed Media and Sewing

Paper Punches in the library card catalog and....more paper! And reference material.

The Jeweler's "Bench"

Yes, I need two computers and 5 screens and 3 printers. (The scanner is hiding)

Sewing corner...and yes, that is a typewriter over on the right.

The pounding/soldering/fusing cart...thanks Jamie and Jason!!!
This month's card swap...theme: Back to School

#4 Hard Drive series...this was donated to the Gay Men's Chorus of Honolulu for silent auction.