Beryl took me to the Aiea Public Libary groundbreaking this morning. It will sit on the old C & H Sugar Mill site. I'm still a little sad about the demise of the Sugar Mill, it's smoke stack, the 4:00pm whistle and the water tank. I used to know when Daddy was coming home when the whistle blew. Simpler times for me.
But I also know I must embrace change, even though it gets harder as I get older.
So, a new library is a good thing. I was worried about it facing the Aiea Hts. Drive...bad feng shui...but it appears on the scale model that the entrance to the library will face East. That's good feng shui. They are missing a water feature however. Anyway, they expect it to be ready next Spring. Hah! We'll see.
I also managed to do some hacking in the yard. Weeding and trimming trees and hacking off all the ti leaves in the back. What a job. I WILL hurt tomorrow.
Artist rendering. Amazing what you can do with Photoshop. |
Inside looking towards Aiea Hts. Drive |
Glenn Miura's inspiration board. He sketched the left picture in 1986. |
Yay! I can take sweep photos with my camera. I'm so stoked. |
I guess I'm in Spring cleaning mode. I hacked off all the Ti Leaves today. |
As I said...hacked it all off. |